A Marca-ADL parceira do projeto Erasmus+ Be-green, intitulado Beauty has never been so greenMarca-ADL is a partner in the Erasmus+ Be-green project, entitled Beauty has never been so green, which has partners from Malta (Go Green Salons) and also from the COFAC of Universidade Lusófona (Cultural Training and Animation Cooperative).

The main objective of this project is to promote environmental sustainability in the cosmetics and beauty industry in partner countries, as well as to promote environmental education for all people linked to this sector, be they entrepreneurs, customers, or anyone interested in maintaining a sustainable lifestyle. Specifically, the project aims to develop knowledge around ecological practices in the beauty sectors, the socioeconomic barriers that influence consumer choices and their potential incentives, in the project's partner countries. The project also aims to educate professionals working in this sector about ecological options and how to use them to make the most of them. In that sense, the project will unfold in three distinct phases. The first phase, which is currently taking place, is a research phase, where two questionnaires were developed, aimed respectively at consumers and at entrepreneurs and businesspeople in this area, which seek to understand the knowledge of both groups on the topic, which obstacles there are to the use of sustainable products, and their attitudes towards eco-friendly and cruelty-free products. The second phase of this project will be a training phase, which will be based on the conclusions drawn from the previous phase, and that will consist of a set of online training sessions, specifically aimed at professionals in this sector, with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of using of this type of products in their businesses and to create a network of ecological beauty salons. Finally, the third and final phase of this project will consist of organizing an ecological and sustainable beauty fair, which will feature the participation of trainees from the previous phase, and which aims, in a broad way, to promote and disseminate the benefits of green beauty products among customers in particular. .